Day 9: Broke the rules

but anyways...

I'm the girl who like to break the rules and I think she is coming back.
(she lost herself for quite a bit, but it's all here now)

the fun ride already started, get a grip everyone especially you dear.

ah! I think I will stop doing the top 3's thingy but I will continue to focus on good things each day. Oh man, today started off badly. I woke up so early and cranky, got to class so early and classmates/teammates are not there - I kinda snap, but take no offense `cuz I'm just cranky. Afterward, I had a very 'crucial-awkward-antifun' conversation over the phone. Then, off to presentation.

I am very sleepy so I had several naps throughout my bus rides. I got to squareone, did a bit of shopping and hell ya! I spent so much money (kill me now! I am definitely broke but thank god for Visa). Suprisingly, I saw a bunch of friends. I said "hi" of course, some I hang out with for a bit. For those I saw later that night had funny expressions.

Anyways, It's 1:18 am and I just literally got home & tired. I am just going to sum this all up. Today was definitely FUN and that a little bit surprise me. I barely noticed the time and my phone which is very unusual. I broke all the rules of the 'house' ; went home an hour later than my curfew and NO phonecall back. It was funny on my way home kinda reminds me off my 'past' memories as I was walking around the empty square1 parking lot and inside the closed mall.

*busy day tomorrow : ) or let say the "weekend" =]

Shop list: Bare Minerals Set & Sephora Concelear ; Pencil "hot' skirt.

see, I can be happy and I am actually liking it. more to come? [all I know is I am not exclusive to any1]