Noche Buena

I been through the storm
Had dirt on my name
I'm still holding on
Champion of the game (they said)
Whatever don't kill you make you stronger
Well, I must be the world's strongest woman
See I done done a whole lotta growin'
Everything you say I'm already knowin'
- Monica, Still Standing'


A few days ago pessimism took over me; but a total optimism happened yesterday. Today, as I celebrate our traditional "noche buena" with my family filled with joy and hope, as well as to begin our celebration with a mass - I ask God to lend me a piece of his heart to forgive those people who have caused me pain and take away the anger filled in my heart. Tonight, I will give this anger and hate all to him then I will replace it with Christmas love.

Lets all celebrate the main reason of this season.
Fill our hearts with love and joy. Appreciate the food that we have because little do we know the people live halfway across our country are thankful for a tiny piece of bread they can share over their family this Christmas. Forgive those people who have harmed us and enjoy our suffering. Be thankful for those who have never left our side, through hardship and happiness.

So tonight, I want to take this opportunity to great each and every one a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS! I want to thank my family who have patiently gathered tonight and maintain the peace within this house. I want to thank everyone who matters to me. so sya, kainan na!!

P.s. I believe this will be the second Christmas that we are actually at home on Christmas eve, celebrating exclusively without our gigantic clan of relatives. Plus we actually got gifts on each others, thats the FIRST. I am so proud of my family - having this bond lately. I AM REALLY HAPPY! the bond without fights but just kindness and sweetness.

My mom and dad are actually joking around sweetly - I like this. &&& WE MISS ATE JOY!!!

Update: Awesome Dinner, no fighting or screaming - just sweetness and love. Fun Christmas gifts opening too and movie : ) plus our talks with our ate in pinaz