Miss Independent

"She got her own thing, that is why I love her.
Miss Independent, oh! there is something about her.
Something moves sexy about, she do not even need my help.
She said 'she got it, she got'... That is the girl that's on my mind"

I realize, I haven't been blogging.
To be honest, my whole month is really busy.
My never ending headaches are kicking again `cuz of stress.
School will be done in 5 weeks, I need a job for my workterm,
and I have to finish my hours in SC while I go through this heck life.
But luckly, I still go partying. Apparently, a lot more than I thought I could. I guess, its more of my priority - which isn't a good thing!
"Party, chilling with friends, movies and outta towns sneak in"
that is what helping me right now. No worries, I can handle this = )

I am loving and living my life right now.
I find myself thinking less about what happened and getting used to the idea. Finally, I wake up for different reason now and smile for different things as well.

Being single right now is actually the best thing. Besides I don't really know how that feels like for years. Also, the fact that I can see friends and boys anytime I want to, or go to places whenever I like. It is just different and it's a good thing.

But, sometimes you can't help it - you still think about it.

As long as I know that every time the clock ticks, he is in a better place then I am good. Sad though, sometimes I try and search things about the past but I can't find them anymore. What disappoints me a bit it is the fact that "changing" what reminds me or what basically my only basis of "first" over her, i think was already "REPLACED" haha sucks noh?

Oh well... moving on to the next topic = )

Btw, have I told you how...
I can't stop talking about it and checking it out.
I love it, and the fact that it means so much to me - feels like all the supressed thoughts and feelings I kept for a while are all put into that one little heart and dragon!
It is amazing, it feels amazing !

Okay, gotta go back to work. Love you all = ) [its been a while since I last say that hehe]